Setup Carrier on your Store
How to setup a new Carrier on your Store
1) Log in to the back-end of your Store
2) In Dashboard, select shipping, then Carriers
3) Select the "+" top right-hand corner to add a new Carrier
4) Name the carrier for eg. "Clearmark's contracted supplier"
5) Set delivery days for eg. 4-7 days
6) Add a suitable logo
7) If Shipping is free, highlight "Yes", else "No"
8) Add handling fees, if you want to
9) Add Vat if you want to
10) Select only "Africa" as the country for the delivery area
11) Add maximum weight if you want to, for eg. 3kg
12) Group access, preferably customers only
13) Check summary and click on "Finish"
14) "Enable" must be yes for the Carrier to be enabled
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